
Celebrating the Month of Mary at Home

Diocese of San Diego-Consecration to Mary—May 1st Consecration to Mary—May 1st (USCCB) (<-Disponible en ESPAÑOL) Catechism of the Catholic Church-Mary, Mother of God (Vatican) (ESPAÑOL) Faith at Home-Watch Marian Scripture Studies or Movies (Formed) (<-Disponible en ESPAÑOL) Teachings on Mary, Mother of God   (EWTN)  (Conociendo a Nuestra Madre-EWTN) Three Marian Prayers of Protection and Hope  […]

New DCM/Coordinator Orientation Training

We welcomed 23 new Directors for Catechetical Ministry/Faith Formation Coordinators from 16 parishes in our diocese! We held an intense day of training that will equip our leaders with the tools, resources and information to make them successful in their new roles. The orientation entailed presentations from the Office for Schools, Human Resources, Catholic Mutual, […]

Renowned Academic to Help ‘Re-Imagine’ Catholic Schools

By: Denis Grasska SAN DIEGO-One of the nation’s foremost experts in Hispanic ministry will headline a leadership conference in San Diego this summer. Dr. Hosffman Ospino, associate professor of Hispanic Ministry and Religious Education at Boston College’s School of Theology and Ministry, will address an audience of pastors, principals and directors of catechetical ministry on […]