UPDATED! Remote Learning Faith Formation Resources

As you may be aware, yesterday Bishop McElroy announced a series of temporary measures that will take place effective this weekend in order to mitigate any further contamination of the COVID-19. Read letter I sent yesterday relating to the imminent suspension of in-person faith formation programs beginning Monday, March 16, 2020 until further notice. 
Bishop McElroy has also notified all pastors with directives concerning liturgical celebrations. Please visit: www.sdcatholic.org for updates relating to the development of the COVID-19 situation, Bishop McElroy’s letter, FAQs and to view on-line Masses available in English, Spanish and Vietnamese. I also encourage you to continue monitoring the Centers for Disease Control website along with the San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency for further updates.

Bishop McElroy has also notified all pastors with directives concerning liturgical celebrations. Please visit: www.sdcatholic.org for updates relating to the development of the COVID-19 situation, Bishop McElroy’s letter, FAQs and to view on-line Masses available in English, Spanish and Vietnamese. I also encourage you to continue monitoring the Centers for Disease Control website along with the San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency for further updates.
Below I have listed a number of resources to help you and the families you serve during this time of social distancing. We encourage constant and clear communication with your Pastors and catechetical teams so the best possible avenue for remote/distance learning is applied.
As this situation continues to unfold, we will continue to keep you updated. We remain united in prayer during this difficult time and we place our trust in our Lord Jesus Christ.
The following resources are FREE to use. (Please share and distribute)
**Special Note, please look into resources the publisher you use at your parish may have available online, such as: e-books, prayers, retreats, family catechesis lesson plans, webinars and activities, including COVID-19 resources.**
Magnificat (Magnificat en Español)
NEW! ManifiKid
NEW! The Catholic Kid Coloring Pages (Liturgical Year)
NEW! Drawing God Exhibit-Virtual Museum
Oregon Catholic Press (OCP En Español)
Liturgy Life
Word on Fire (Word on Fire En Español)
Loyola Press Coronavirus Response Lesson
Sadlier Religion (Sadlier En Español)
Our Sunday Visitor (OSV En Español)
NEW! Alive in Christ
- NEW! Vivos en Cristo
RCL Benziger
Pflaum Gospel Weeklies
Gia Publications-ONE LICENSE
21st Century Online and Digital Media
Vatican News (Vatican News En Español)
USCCB (USCCB En Español)
NEW! C21Lent
NEW! CRS (CRS Español)
NEW! My Catholic Faith Delievered offering FREE Online Programs thru June 20th
NEW! St. Mary’s Press
NEW! Spiritual Communion (Comunión Espiritual)
NEW! FORMED offering 40 days FREE Membership
The following options require membership but offer free trials:
My Catholic Faith Delivered (See update above!)
FORMED (See update above!)
World Health Organization (WHO) (WHO En Español)
Centers for Disease Control (CDC En Español)
San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency
Imperial Valley County Health (IVCH En Español)
Checklist for Community and Faith Leaders
Mitigation Strategies for Communities
Checklist for Teachers, Parents and Administrators
211 San Diego (211 En Español)
COVID-19 Mythbusters (COVID-19 En Español)
Fact Sheets Available in multiple Languages