Meet Anthony Jiménez! New Seminarian Intern

We are overjoyed to welcome Anthony Jiménez, a first year Theology seminarian from St. Francis Center. He will be interning with our ministry office during his Servant-Leadership year. Join us in praying for Anthony and all seminarians so we may continue to foster and promote #vocations in our diocese. Join us in welcoming Anthony!
Read his message below:
My name is Anthony Jimenez. I was born in Oceanside but grew up for most of my childhood in La Mesa. I attended St. Martin of Tours Academy and University of San Diego High School or “Uni” as we affectionately called it. After graduating from college, I worked in Child Welfare Services and later pursued work in the non-profit sector helping families build assets through savings and homeownership. Prior to entering the Program for Priestly Formation at the St. Francis Center, I was teaching middle school at Holy Trinity School in El Cajon. These experiences helped me grow in greater awareness of God’s action in my life and in the lives of those I encountered. Ultimately they are what led to me seriously discern a call to priesthood. Now in my third year of studies, I can only say that I feel grateful to God for bringing me to this place. I feel as though He continually opens doors and asks for a generous response. Through my experience of the Eucharist, I have grown in greater awareness of God’s infinite generosity. Ultimately I feel as through my gratitude in response to this awareness is a big part of what I continue to say, “yes”.
I am really excited to be at the Office for Evangelization and Catechetical Ministry. I am looking forward to learning about implementing quality faith formation programming in parishes and how our diocese is responding to the challenges families face when forming their children.
#sandiegovocations #sdvocations