
Renowned Academic to Help ‘Re-Imagine’ Catholic Schools

By: Denis Grasska SAN DIEGO-One of the nation’s foremost experts in Hispanic ministry will headline a leadership conference in San Diego this summer. Dr. Hosffman Ospino, associate professor of Hispanic Ministry and Religious Education at Boston College’s School of Theology and Ministry, will address an audience of pastors, principals and directors of catechetical ministry on […]

Fr. Tony Ricard is coming to San Diego! Thank you to Relevant Radio for your support! Click below to listen.

Thank you to Relevant Radio for promoting our upcoming Spring Forward Conference with Fr. Tony Ricard. Fr. Tony Ricard is coming to San Diego for the FIRST TIME!! He is excited to be with us on Saturday, January 26th from 9:00 am- 3:00 pm. His question for us… “Do You Know My Jesus?” Register today […]

New Advanced “Tessera” Certificate program available this 2019!

A new mark of achievement in diocesan ministry formation, the tessera, will be offered by the Office for Evangelization and Catechsis with the San Diego Diocesan Institute beginning in 2019. “Tessera means both ‘entry pass’ and ‘mosaic tile’ in Italian,” said Bernadeane Carr, director of the Diocesan Institute. “The tessera in Catechetical Ministry will mark […]

Parish Bible Study Series

St. Rita’s Catholic Church joins the various parishes in our diocese in hosting a Bible Study Series from St. Paul Center. 26 people participated in their first Bible Study of the series “Genesis to Jesus”, this course is a detailed study on Salvation History. A great way to begin the journey! We offer courses in […]

Coming in March 2019! New Hybrid Catechetical Certification Course for Catholic School Teachers!

Three years ago, the Office for Schools and the Office for Evangelization and Catechetical Ministry began a conversation with the University of San Diego to create a “Hybrid” catechetical certification program for Catholic School teachers. This track would provide teachers with a combination of face to face classroom time as well as an online platform […]

OECM Welcomes New Directors for Catechetical Ministry

We welcomed 11 new Directors for Catechetical Ministry in our diocese. We had a day filled with information and practical activities to ready them for the upcoming catechetical year! We are thankful to God for their YES to serve. Join us in praying for these new ministers and all those whom they will be serving […]

Learning about the Liturgy of the Word for Children

On August 23, more than 45 people are gathered at the Diocesan Pastoral Center to learn about the Liturgy of the Word for Children. We are delved into Liturgical Catechesis, encountering Christ in Mass! Diocesan Director of Liturgy and Spirituality, Noreen Madden McInnes, modeled a Children’s Dismissal and how this precious time spent with our […]

RCIA Workshop: Celebrate, Prepare and Share

More than 23 parishes were at the Celebrate, Prepare & Share RCIA workshop this evening as Master Catechists Bill Bischoff and Glenn Valois lead us as we study the Period of Evangelization and Precatechumenate.

2018 Vietnamese Catechetical Conference

This past weekend, over 100 Vietnamese Catechetical Leaders who serve our five Vietnamese communities throughout the diocese (Holy Spirit, Holy Family, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Good Shepherd and St. Francis) gathered  for the Vietnamese Catechetical Conference.  Thank you to our presenters: Fr. Viet Hung Nguyen, Fr. Michel Pham OSB and Professor Le Xuan […]

Imperial Valley Catholic Conference 2018

Imperial Valley Friends! Have you heard about the diocesan catholic conference coming to Calexico?! We are pleased to share that the Imperial Valley Catholic Conference: Rejoice and be Glad! will take place on Saturday, November 17th from 9:00 am-3:00 pm. Confirmed we have Bishop Robert McElroy presiding the Mass and Fr. Agustino Torres, CFR from […]