
Emergency Food Distribution Network

Catholic Charities San Diego (CCSD) has been diligently working to provide families who need food assistance. Click the link below for more information on food orders, delivery options and a list of participating parish locations in San Diego and Imperial Counties. Learn more how you can help!   PARTICIPATING PARISHES CENTRAL SAN DIEGO  OUR […]

COVID-19: UPDATED! Remote Learning Catechetical and Evangelization Resource List

This list contains FREE resources to share and use during this crucial time of remote/distance learning. This list will be updated frequently, please ensure to check back daily. CATECHETICAL/EVANGELIZATION RESOURCES The following resources are FREE to use. (Please share and distribute) **Special Note, please look into resources the publisher you use at your parish may have […]

UPDATED! Remote Learning Faith Formation Resources

As you may be aware, yesterday Bishop McElroy announced a series of temporary measures that will take place effective this weekend in order to mitigate any further contamination of the COVID-19. Read letter I sent yesterday relating to the imminent suspension of in-person faith formation programs beginning Monday, March 16, 2020 until further notice.  Bishop […]

Preventative and Precautionary Measures Concerning the COVID-19

We have an update on the COVID-19 situation as it affects our faith formation programs in our diocese. Our modus operandi at this point is caution and preparation, but not panic. According to yesterday afternoon’s update from the San Diego County Health & Human Services Agency (SDCHHSA), “San Diego County’s general population is at low risk of coronavirus disease, or […]

I will Praise your name for ever, Lord! Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving!

Dear Friends, As you ready your homes to welcome and receive loved ones, may you experience a profound gratitude for God’s abundance and blessings in your lives. As today’s Responsorial Psalm reminds us…”I will praise your name for ever, Lord.” Indeed, Thanksgiving is celebrated each and every day and most importantly, the ultimate expression of […]

Bendeciré al Señor Eternamente…¡Feliz y Bendecido Día de Acción de Gracias!

Estimados Amigos, Al preparar sus hogares para recibir y reunirse con sus familiares y seres queridos, deseamos que sus corazones rebosen de profunda gratitud por la abundancia y las bendiciones que Dios ha derramado en sus vidas. Esto nos lo recuerda el Salmo Responsorial del día de hoy…”Bendeciré al Señor Eternamente”.  De hecho, el Día […]

New DCM/Coordinator Orientation Training

We welcomed 23 new Directors for Catechetical Ministry/Faith Formation Coordinators from 16 parishes in our diocese! We held an intense day of training that will equip our leaders with the tools, resources and information to make them successful in their new roles. The orientation entailed presentations from the Office for Schools, Human Resources, Catholic Mutual, […]