
Antiquum Ministerium-Catechists: Share your Vocation Story

Pope Francis formally instituted the Ministry of Catechist in March of this year in his Motu Proprio titled Antiquum Ministerium (Ancient Ministry).  As such, we want to spotlight the Ministry of Catechists that is exercised so beautifully in our local church. We seek your inspiring stories so we may share the good news of how the […]

Meet Anthony Jiménez! New Seminarian Intern

We are overjoyed to welcome Anthony Jiménez, a first year Theology seminarian from St. Francis Center. He will be interning with our ministry office during his Servant-Leadership year. Join us in praying for Anthony and all seminarians so we may continue to foster and promote #vocations in our diocese. Join us in welcoming Anthony! Read […]

Meet our New Cristo Rey Student Intern

Did you know…There is a new Catholic High School in town?  Cristo Rey San Diego High School, located on the campus of St. Jude Shrine of the West in San Diego follows the Jesuit work study model for all its students, providing them with a unique corporate work study program as an innovative model of […]

Combatting Racism…Educational and Catechetical Resources

We join in prayer with Pope Francis, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and all who work to eradicate racial injustices that augment the sins of racism, hatred and indifference.  These senseless acts of violence, destruction and tragedy can only be overcome by love. It is the essence of our faith, we were created […]

Looking Ahead…Blended Faith Formation Programs for Catechetical Year, 2020-2021

This COVID-19 pandemic has challenged us in more ways than one. Religion publishers have been arduously working to provide our parish faith formation programs with the best resources to serve and minister to children, youth, adults, parents, families, and RCIA. Directors for Catechetical Ministry and catechists are now tasked to re-imagine catechetical sessions with students […]

Celebrating the Month of Mary at Home

Diocese of San Diego-Consecration to Mary—May 1st Consecration to Mary—May 1st (USCCB) (<-Disponible en ESPAÑOL) Catechism of the Catholic Church-Mary, Mother of God (Vatican) (ESPAÑOL) Faith at Home-Watch Marian Scripture Studies or Movies (Formed) (<-Disponible en ESPAÑOL) Teachings on Mary, Mother of God   (EWTN)  (Conociendo a Nuestra Madre-EWTN) Three Marian Prayers of Protection and Hope  […]

Earth Day! Caring for Our Common Home

Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home was the first encyclical to be entirely dedicated to the topic of environmental issues. Inspired by Saint Francis of Assisi’s Canticle of the Creatures, “Praise be to you, my Lord, through our Sister, Mother Earth, who sustains and governs us,” the encyclical demonstrates that […]